Evaluation of new products, technology and services
Your company needs to evaluate new products, technology and services, to determine:
- Should they be introduced?
- Once introduced, what’s their effect on "the bottom line"?
How we can help
Line by Line can provide analysis in this area through the use of industry benchmarks, survey data and techniques such as "control flow analysis", to provide estimates both before and after introduction. Line by Line Ltd. is an associate member of the Passenger Demand Forecasting Council and thereby keeps up to date with the latest industry recommendations on assumptions such as elasticity. We have extensive experience of appraisal, both the "before" and the "after", including:
- Revenue effects of the introduction of the new Peak Day Travelcard.
- Revenue impact from the introduction of ticket gates.
- Revenue effects of proposed carnet and leisure tickets.
- Impact of temporary station closures.
- A major scoping of the revenue gain from operating a “7 day railway”.